Mrs. Ylva Wessén is the President and CEO of the Folksam Group, one of the largest insurance and pension companies in Sweden.
Mrs. Wessén has a law degree and has worked as an attorney before joining Folksam in 2007. Mrs. Wessén has held several senior positions within the Folksam Group during her 18 years with the company; Head of the Risk and Compliance Department, Senior Vice President, Deputy CEO as well as Head of the Group Staff.
Mrs. Wessén serves as the Chairman of Insurance Sweden (the Swedish insurance industry organization) and she is also currently a member of ICMIF Executive Committee and Vice chair for Europe on ICMIF Board.
More than three million households are customers of Folksam, which corresponds to two out of three households in Sweden. In total, Folksam has over four million customers. This makes the Folksam group a leading player in insurance and pension savings in Sweden. Established in 1908, Folksam operates as a mutual insurance company.
Folksam's vision is for its customers to feel secure in a sustainable world. Folksam offers insurance and long-term savings that create security and are appreciated by many.
Many of Folksam's customers come through collaborations, for example with trade unions and sports organizations. Through close collaborations and by connecting large groups, Folksam can offer attractive deals at favourable prices.
As a major player and investor, Folksam has the opportunity to influence, be long-term, and contribute to sustainable development. Folksam's goal is to be a leader in sustainability. The climate goal is to have net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in the investment portfolios by 2050.