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Ênio Meinen


Ênio Meinen, lawyer, postgraduate in business law; business law in a globalized environment and strategic people management; guest lecturer at various academic entities for postgraduate courses and author/co-author of articles and books on financial cooperativism, including the works “Financial Cooperativism in the 2020s: no filters!”, “Confebras/2020” (most recent work, already in its 3rd edition - 2023) and “Financial Cooperativism: virtues and opportunities - essays on the perpetuity of the cooperative enterprise”, “Confebras/2016” (also versioned in English). He was a former judge of the Administrative Court of Tax Appeals of Rio Grande do Sul; former vice-president of corporate policies at Sicredi and currently holds the position of director of systemic coordination, sustainability and institutional relations at Sicoob and is a wine entrepreneur.

About Sicoob

Sicoob (Sistema de Cooperativas Financeiras do Brasil), is an arrangement made up of 320 individual financial cooperatives; 14 central cooperatives; a national confederation (made up of the central cooperatives); 1 cooperative bank (S/A); a means of payment company; a consortium company; a securities distributor; a life and pension insurance company; a private pension fund; an institute in charge of the sustainability agenda and a protection fund aimed at providing resources to cooperatives in the process of incorporation.

In all, Sicoob directly employs around 60,000 professionals throughout the country, as well as 1,100 executive directors. Also, the System has the largest network of physical branches in the Brazilian financial system, with 4,700 branches, present in all Brazilian states, and is the only financial institution operating in person in 414 locations in the country.

Offering all retail banking products and services and serving around 9 million cooperative members and 1.5 million non-cooperative customers, it is currently the 7th largest institution in the Brazilian financial system in terms of deposits, loans and assets.